Best in State

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US-Oklahoma-Academic-Advising-Association-OACADAThis past September I presented at the Oklahoma Academic Advising Association (OACADA) conference where I used my comic strips as a means of opening up dialogue about difficult academic advising situations. I have always found that a bit of humor can help to put things into perspective, and academic advising is certainly no different.  I was pleasantly surprised that my session was so well attended, and I couldn’t have asked for a better group of advisors to participate. I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun doing a presentation. It was wonderful to meet some great people who were willing to share their stories, some that even helped to inspire new comics.

However, the story didn’t end there.  I was thrilled to learn that my presentation was selected as the “Best in State” which meant I would be presenting again at a National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) regional conference in St. Louis.  That conference actually starts tomorrow so it’s been a whirlwind week as I get everything prepared.  Technical headaches asides, I think I’m ready.  Unfortunately trying to get everything in order for travel has taken away time I usually devote toward drawing new comics, which is why there was no comic this week.  I’m excited to be going to my first NACADA regional conference, and hopefully it will inspire some great new ideas for advising as well as some future ideas for comics.  I can only hope that my experience this time around will be just as great as the first.

Another Semester, Another Timeline

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One day when my life normalizes (does that actually ever happen?) I’ll be able to keep posting comics on a consistent day of the week. I started out posting on Mondays at the beginning, moved to Wednesdays to work better with my schedule, and now I’m having to move comics to Thursdays. I’m not even sure if anyone really cares, but I wanted to at least give everyone the heads up if you were actually expecting a comic on certain days.